Dec 16, 2010

Reasons for Unemployment and a Bad American economy

 I posted the following on a Fantasy Football League Message board in Facebook: 
Give BIG tax cuts for the working folks and HIGHER taxes on the Lucky Sperm Club ($250K and above). Those making less than $250K are either working for or are running those small businesses. Then, let's play Fantasy Football and drink some beer. YEAH!
An interested blogger responded:
On what planet does it make sense to punish productivity? And, a homeless person never offered me a job, taking away incentive for business owners to earn more profits just might affect their growing the business and hiring more employees. Tax based on consumption with poverty level spending exempted:
Here's how I responded:
The reason Corporate America exists is to make money, right? If they can make more money shipping jobs overseas, they'll do it, regardless of the American economy.

Here's a practical economic theory that may make sense to you (maybe not). If they show a profit after all valid deductions are subtracted, they MAY hire if it makes sense to do so. But, if they are taxed at a HIGHER rate on their net profits, they will logically put their profits into building their business by hiring or investing in new money-making equipment. That invested money is written off as a business expense and lowers their taxes due. If their tax rate is LOWER, they will want to take the money OUT of their business and invest it elsewhere to make more money than they would by investing in their business. So, HIGHER tax rates means more hiring. Crazy, huh?

Also, small businesses work on the same principal, but their hiring and money-making investments are done in America, which grows the American economy remarkably efficiently.

The whole story about a flat tax to replace the income tax or corporate tax is a pretty radical idea, and I just can't see how a usage or sales tax is fair to lower income people. It has to be progressive, which the website says it is, but I don't see it other than being regressive. A family with an income of 40K per year (the MEDIAN income. by the way), spends MOST of that income on the necessities of life. The high income people (I hesitate to call them workers) spend money on the necessities too, but they should have a lot left over. What they do with the excess money is their own business and if they spend it all, that's great for the economy. But, they'll probably invest it some way to make more money. That's called capitalism (making your capital to make you more money). Investing is a good idea, but in my opinion the patriotic thing to do is invest in America by keeping jobs here. Sadly, many would not care and instead, make money where ever that can make it, even if it's overseas. Lower income workers spend ALL of their money in America. Heck, they don't even have enough money to pay into 401-ks or IRAs.
My career is littered with off-shoring events and over the last ten years, 40,000 manufacturing companies have disappeared. Not 40,000 jobs, 40,000 companies. That is why we have an unemployment problem.
Thanks for "listening". If you agree with this, spread it around. If you disagree, then keep your thoughts to yourself.

Any other opinions? - The Truth about Health insurance premiums

Dec 14, 2010 Top 5 Problems with the Tax Deal

Dear MoveOn member,
Everyone knows that the "deal" that President Obama agreed to with Republicans will extend George W. Bush's reckless millionaire tax bailout—but what a lot of folks don't realize is that there are lots of other terrible parts of it, too.
Unemployed Americans desperately need their benefits extended to get by in this economy—so Republicans held them hostage to force through a slew of horrible economic policies in this deal. Here are just a few that you might not have heard about.
If you're on Facebook, share it by clicking here. If you're on Twitter, tweet it here.

Top 5 Problems with the Tax Deal

Problem #1: The deal is a stealth attack on Social Security.
The deal will lower the payroll tax—the tax that funds the Social Security trust. This is a trap for Democrats. Republicans have been coming after Social Security for years and this cut is the biggest threat to the vital program in decades. It will cut one-third of Social Security's funding this year alone and when we need to restore the payroll tax back to its current level, Republicans will cry "tax increases" and could gut it permanently. 1
Problem #2: For nearly one in three workers, it's a tax increase.
Nearly 50 million working Americans—including all workers making less than $20,000 per year—and millions of federal, state, and municipal workers will see their taxes go up because of the deal.2
Problem #3: The deal has not one but TWO millionaire bailouts. 
In addition to extending all the Bush income tax breaks for the top 2%, the deal will slash the estate tax. If Congress did nothing, next year the estate tax would be 55% and apply to everyone inheriting $1 million or more. But the deal reduces it to 35% and only people who inherit more than $5 million will have to pay. This second bailout will give a gigantic tax giveaway to a few thousand of the richest families in the country and add hundreds of billions to the national debt.3
Problem #4: Unemployment help is insufficient and inadequate.
While the deal extends unemployment benefits for another 13 months for people currently receiving it, millions of unemployed workers who've struggled the most and been out of work more than 99 weeks—since the giant Wall Street banks wrecked the economy—will get no help at all under the deal.4 It's a gamble that there will be jobs in the next 13 months when the insurance runs out, but the tax cuts will go well beyond that. Better to just pass a stand-alone unemployment extension to help all struggling Americans.
Problem #5: Tax giveaways to the rich are a terrible way to create jobs.
Tax breaks for the rich are the least efficient way to create jobs and help the economy grow. In fact the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says extending all tax cuts would lower unemployment only 0.1% to 0.3% over the next year5 and that the cost of the tax deal would be $900 billion over the next five years.6
We've got to stop this deal and make sure everyone understands what's really in it. Can you share this list now?
Thanks for all you do.
–Nita, Robin, Milan, Wes, and the rest of the team
1."Tax Cut Deal A Hidden Threat To Social Security," The Huffington Post, Dec. 8, 2010
2. "Obama-Republican Deal Could Mean Tax Hike For One In Three Workers," The Huffington Post, Dec. 10, 2010
3. "Estate tax deal: worst part of a bad tax compromise," The Christian Science Monitor, Dec. 7, 2010
4. "Unemployment benefits: Extension won't help '99ers'," The Christian Science Monitor, Dec. 7, 2010
5. "The Deal," Paul Krugman, The New York Times, Dec. 7, 2010
6. "CBO score shows tax plan ups deficit $900 billion in 5 years,", Dec. 10, 2010
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Sep 21, 2010

National Resources Defense Council - Action Center

National Resources Defense Council 
The Earth's Best Defense 

NRDC's mission is to safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants and animals and the natural systems on which all life depends.

Click on any link below to send a pre-written message (you can edit it any way you like).

Tell President Obama to increase fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks

In April the Environmental Protection Agency finalized vehicle emissions standards that will make millions of new cars, SUVs, minivans and pick-up trucks use fuel more efficiently, but President Obama has instructed the EPA to take these standards to the next level. Urge President Obama, before the September 30th proposal deadline, to make sure his administration sets the bar high for both cars and trucks in order to reduce our dependence on oil and cut global warming pollution. 

Urge your senators to eliminate toxic BPA in baby products

Urge your senators to eliminate toxic BPA in baby products 

Bisphenol A (BPA), a widely used toxic chemical, has been linked to a range of health problems by hundreds of independent studies, but it remains unregulated. Urge your senators to support and vote Yes for Senator Feinstein's amendment to the Food Safety Modernization Act (S. 510) to eliminate the use of BPA in infant formula, baby food packaging, baby bottles and sippy cups.

Tell Congress not to weaken Clean Air Act protections

Tell Congress not to weaken Clean Air Act protections

As the EPA prepares to set standards for global warming pollution from power plants, refineries and other major polluters, some members of Congress want to weaken the Clean Air Act and give industries free rein to dump harmful pollution into our air. Urge your senators and representative to hold polluters accountable for their emmissions and oppose any legislation that would undermine the Clean Air Act.

Californians: Urge Governor Schwarzenegger to sign important environmental bills

Californians: Urge Governor Schwarzenegger to sign important environmental bills

The California legislature finished its work on August 31st and sent hundreds of bills to Governor Schwarzenegger, including several that would benefit the environment and public health. Urge Governor Schwarzenegger to sign AB 1405, SB 346 and AB 737 to increase investments in low-income communities most harmed by air pollution, reduce copper in waterways and increase recycling.

Tell your senators not to abandon comprehensive climate and energy legislation

Tell your senators not to abandon comprehensive climate and energy legislation

Thanks to a handful of Republican and Democratic obstructionist senators, the Senate failed to act on legislation that would have strengthened our economy, increased our national security and reduced the dangerous pollution causing global warming. Tell your senators that you will not accept failure in the face of one of the biggest crises of the 21st century.

Urge your representative to co-sponsor the Toxic Chemicals Safety Act

Urge your representative to co-sponsor the Toxic Chemicals Safety Act

The Toxic Chemicals Safety Act would strengthen the current law regulating the use of industrial chemicals, which was enacted in 1976 and is in serious need of overhaul. Urge your representative to co-sponsor the Toxic Chemical Safety Act (H.R. 5820).

Tell the EPA to strictly regulate dangerous coal ash disposal

Tell the EPA to strictly regulate dangerous coal ash disposal

The EPA is considering two options to regulate coal ash waste, which contains toxics such as arsenic, chromium, lead and mercury. Urge the EPA before the September 20th comment deadline to choose the stronger option that would set protective and federally enforceable regulations for coal ash disposal.

Tell President Obama to stop letting industry dump mining waste in our waters

Tell President Obama to stop letting industry dump mining waste in our waters

Across the Appalachians, coal mining companies are destroying entire mountains in a practice known as mountaintop removal mining and are polluting thousands of miles of streams and rivers as they dump the waste into our waters. Urge President Obama to reinstate the previous longstanding prohibition on dumping mining waste into streams and lakes.

Tell Congress to help end mountaintop removal mining and protect the Appalachian Mountains

Tell Congress to help end mountaintop removal mining and protect the Appalachian Mountains

Because of weakened provisions in the Clean Water Act, waste from mountaintop removal mining may be dumped into nearby valleys and streams, but now the House of Representatives has the opportunity to restrict this dangerous process. Tell your representative to support and co-sponsor the Clean Water Protection Act (H.R. 1310).

Tell Congress to increase funding for global clean water

Tell Congress to increase funding for global clean water

Safe drinking water is essential for human health and economic development, but dirty water causes disease and death around the world, especially in children. Tell your senators and representative to increase funding for global clean water projects.

Urge your representative to co-sponsor the Green Infrastructure for Clean Water Act

Urge your representative to co-sponsor the Green Infrastructure for Clean Water Act

Polluted stormwater runoff threatens water quality across the nation, but we can put rain water back into the ground where it falls by increasing natural systems like trees, green roofs and rain gardens. Urge your representative to co-sponsor the Green Infrastructure for Clean Water Act (H.R. 4202).

Tell Congress to close the "Halliburton Loophole" to protect drinking water from contaminationTell Congress to close the "Halliburton Loophole" to protect drinking water from contamination

The "Halliburton Loophole" exempts hydraulic fracturing, an oil and gas production method that has been linked to water contamination, from Safe Drinking Water Act regulations. Urge your senators and representative to co-sponsor legislation to repeal the Halliburton Loophole.

Tell your senators to save our waterways from uncontrolled pollutionTell your senators to save our waterways from uncontrolled pollution

The Clean Water Restoration Act would restore Clean Water Act protections to vital water bodies declared unprotected because of Supreme Court decisions. Tell your senators to co-sponsor the Clean Water Restoration Act.

Sep 3, 2010

BP Says Limits on Drilling Imperil Spill Payouts

Published New York Times: September 2, 2010

BP is warning Congress that if lawmakers pass legislation that bars the company from getting new offshore drilling permits, it may not have the money to pay for all the damages caused by its oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The company says a ban would also imperil the ambitious Gulf Coast restoration efforts that officials want the company to voluntarily support. 

BP executives insist that they have not backed away from their commitment to the White House to set aside $20 billion in an escrow fund over the next four years to pay damage claims and government penalties stemming from the April 20 explosion of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig. The explosion killed 11 workers and spewed millions of barrels of oil into the gulf.

The company has also agreed to contribute $100 million to a foundation to support rig workers who have lost their jobs because of the administration’s deepwater drilling moratorium. And it pledged $500 million for a 10-year research program to study the impact of the spill.

But as state and federal officials, individuals and businesses continue to seek additional funds beyond the minimum fines and compensation that BP must pay under the law, the company has signaled its reluctance to cooperate unless it can continue to operate in the Gulf of Mexico. The gulf accounts for 11 percent of its global production.

“If we are unable to keep those fields going, that is going to have a substantial impact on our cash flow,” said David Nagel, BP’s executive vice president for BP America, in an interview. That, he added, “makes it harder for us to fund things, fund these programs.”

The requests keep coming for BP to provide additional money to the Gulf Coast to help mitigate the effects of the spill. This week, Bobby Jindal, the governor of Louisiana, reiterated his request that BP finance a five-year, $173 million program to test, certify and promote gulf seafood.

BP has already agreed to pay for some measures that exceed its legal obligations. For instance, to help promote tourism in affected regions, it donated $32 million to Florida’s marketing efforts and $15 million each to Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

But the company, which is based in London, now appears to be using such voluntary payments as a bargaining chip with American lawmakers.

The full report:

Department of Justice Sues Maricopa County Sheriff's Office for Refusing to Cooperate With Investigation

by: Nadia Prupis, t r u t h o u t | Report

The US Justice Department (DOJ) filed a lawsuit against controversial Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Thursday for alleged civil rights violations and refusal to cooperate with a federal probe.

Arpaio, who leads the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) and calls himself "America's toughest sheriff," has drawn both criticism and support as one of the country's most outspoken opponents of illegal immigration. Arpaio is also an active participant in 287(g) - a program funded by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that trains and authorizes state police departments in enforcing federal immigration laws. The MCSO has deported more than 26,000 immigrants in the past three years, one-quarter of the national total of 115,841.

Since March 2009, the DOJ has attempted to investigate Arpaio for a litany of alleged civil rights abuses, including racial profiling, unconstitutional searches and seizures and enforcement of English-only policies in his jails, but Arpaio's office has refused to produce all the requested documents. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits federally funded programs such as 287(g) from discriminating on the basis of race, color and national origin, and grant recipients are required to provide the DOJ full access to documents, facilities and staff during investigations. To receive federal funds for its participation in 278(g), the MCSO signed contractual agreements that assured its compliance with Title VI and promised its full cooperation with discrimination probes.

More of the story:

Energy Efficiency - How to Save $200 Billion a Year


Greater energy efficiency is the way to meet growing energy needs worldwide, according to a special report in the New York Times.

Energy efficiency should not be confused with energy conservation. Conservation is turning of the light when you leave the room. Energy efficiency is swapping a 40-watt incandescent light bulb for a compact fluorescent that uses 9 watts, or an LED that uses even less.

Unfortunately, energy efficiency--which has the potential to halt the growth of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions--has taken a back seat to the issue of fossil fuels and dependency on foreign oil. 

Cathy Zoi, the Obama administration's so-called energy czar says part of the problem is that energy efficiency is difficult to discuss, because it is not a concrete thing that can be produced.

“We spend about $1.1 trillion each year on our utility bills in this country,” said Ms. Zoi, of the Energy Department. “And let’s just say we could really easily reduce this by 20%. That’s an extra $200 billion you could put into productivity of other things like health care, schools, businesses that grow.”

Read the full story on the NY Times website:

Aug 12, 2010

Congressman Mark Kirk (R-IL) flip-flops on JOBS Bill - August 2010

U.S. Congressman Mark Kirk (R-IL) said in Illinois that he was inclined to support the recent JOBS bill because it was "deficit neutral" and would save thousands of teachers' jobs. Then, he went to Washington D.C. and 24 hours later he voted AGAINST the JOBS bill he just praised. This is Washington politics at its worst, and Mr. Kirk should be ashamed of his actions.

By voting against the JOBS bill, Mr. Kirk also voted to keep tax breaks in place for corporations that ship American JOBS overseas. His position is completely hypocritical. My own career in IT has been sidelined twice in the last few years because of "off-shore" hiring practices and I've been out of work for two years.

Mr. Kirk has long supported extending the 2001 and 2003 temporary Bush tax cuts for the richest 2% of Americans that will add $36 billion to the deficit if reinstated, yet he refused to support teachers when this deficit REDUCTION bill came up for a vote. Once again, Mr. Kirk has abandoned the working middle class in favor of big corporate interests.

Finally, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce strongly opposed the JOBS bill and has been running ads supporting Mr. Kirk in his bid to be elected the junior Senator from Illinois in 2010. Clearly, Mr. Kirk favors the whims of his corporate supporters over the needs of the working middle class and WILL NOT support them, even if it is also good for the nation. - Sent to the Daily Herald newspapers (Arlington Heights, IL) 8/12/2010.

Jul 29, 2010

Buy American and End Multinational Corporate influence on our lives

Let's get some jobs. Home-grown American jobs. Maybe making American products. Keeping our money and jobs here in America instead of shipping them overseas. That seems like a no-brainer, right?

There are households today that refuse to buy products made in China. Maybe the presence of lead paint in toys scares them off (it should!). Maybe they think products made in China are the result of sweat shops (many are). Maybe they've experienced that products made in China are inferior in quality (many are). Maybe they think the balance of trade is unfair to Americans (it is).

On the other hand, some households always look for the best bargains, regardless of where they were made. They can buy more with less money. In this recession, where unemployment and job security have affected people so dramatically, families are cutting back on their expenses.

Which side do you take? Do you feel multinational corporations are pro-American or pro-profit?

*** Products MADE in the USA ***